Pamlico County Schools Receive Growth Awards

We are excited to announce the academic growth results for our students for the 22-23 school year.
To know whether, and the degree to which, students are learning, the State must use a variety of assessments and processes for examining student progress over time. The educator effectiveness system focuses on the growth of students, not on their proficiency level.
Student growth is the amount of academic progress that students make throughout a grade or class. Students enter grades and courses at different places; some have struggled while some have excelled. Regardless of how they enter a grade or course, students can make progress over the course of the school year.
Pamlico County Primary School met academic growth expectations for the 22-23 school year and is ranked in the top 50% of all public schools for growth!
Pamlico County High School also met academic growth expectations for the 22-23 school year.
Pamlico County Middle School Exceeded Expectations for Growth during the 22-23 school year and is ranked in the top 10% of all NC public schools for growth!
Congratulations to the students, staff, administration, and community for these wonderful successes. Your hard work and dedication to our young people is greatly appreciated.