About Mrs. Brinson

My name is Melanie Brinson and I am very excited to be teaching fifth grade again this year (2024-25)!!  This is my tenth year teaching in Pamlico County Schools and my seventh at FAA.
I graduated from UNC Greensboro with a B.A. cum Laude with Disciplinary Honors in History in 2007.  After that, I received my graduate certificate & M.A. in Middle Grades Social Studies through UNC Charlotte.  In December 2019, I received National Board Certification in Social Studies: Early Adolescence.  
I am a native of Havelock, but have spent the past fifteen years in Pamlico County.  I reside in Arapahoe with my wonderful husband Greg and our three sons:  Adam (17), Jacob (13), and Aaron (11).  
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Melanie Brinson
5th Grade Teacher
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